Let’s Connect

  • Setup video instruction
  • Private Members Only Access
  • Change the Url anytime
  • Setup unlimited amount of cards per account
  • 24hour Support Ticket System

Tap or Scan, It's That Simple!

Present QLCard to your customer to tap or scan their smartphone to the NFC Icon of card (like you do for Apple, Google or Samsung Pay) or Scan the QR Code

Rank Your Business

They will instantly pull up your feedback form page where they can leave you a 5 star review in seconds.

Review Your Business

Client leaves a positive review of your business, to keep you ahead of the competition!


How Many Reviews Can Be Collected?
There's no limit on the amount of reviews a business can receive.
How Long Are The Cards Valid?
The QLCards are valid for as long as you wish to use them.
Can I Change My Link
Absolutely. Simply log into back office and change the current Url link to whatever you wish to use.
Can I Use Cards At Multiple Business Locations?
You can program each card to different location if you'd like.
What Should I Do After Receiving My Cards?
Simply log into your dashboard, program card and go.

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